Silhouettes lightweight, unique in design and color. The curves and smooth lines mean that they can be positioned on the walls of the rooms either vertically or horizontally depending on the location of the style of the furnishings and personal taste.
The material used is polyurethane pressed, that a shaped time is treated with fine grained quartz which gives it a uniform appearance, compact and smooth, so that the surface can work as a classic canvas. The geometry of the design recalls the shape of the shapes: circles, half-circles, in a mixing game and overlaps.
The colors play with each other, attract each other, repel each other in three-dimensional effects data with very marked black edges that join at the same time enhance the individual geometries. The emotional particularity is given by the insertion in the same figures of round mirrors of different diameter. Everything around the environment and yourself reflected in a single object not merely to be admired but to read and interpret.
GET FLUO – An artistic projects by Alfonso Villa – tel. 3337653105 – alfovilla@hotmail.it- Privacy & Terms – Contacts
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