At the first exhibition in Italy Streetwear “THE BRIDGE SHOW”, on 24-25 July 2015 in Milan, at Viesse Auto, GET FLUO, as a partner of the event, presented the new collection of “over” works painted on various surfaces and whit clear street imprint.
“Street wear goes hand to hand with pop and street art”
Pop art and fluo could not have better location if not in this area. A mix of techniques, materials, paints, fluorescent colors for this murals with marked street influences: an excerpt of the old wall of the city in brick with cast of fluorescent color smeared advertising posters and the inevitable female images that distinguish the GET FLUO style.
Rap & art
Two large canvases, 2 meters x 1.5 meters, for this mix of pop and street. Rap hip hop musicians, car, female figures, inscriptions, symbols and magazine covers make these two paintings. Several techniques has been used to paint the surface, from the use of fluorescent acrylic paint to the use of fluo spray cans to make uniform the bottom of the canvas and at the same time create color overlays cloudy.
Two paintings that live, as when taken from a real context, the 24 hours of the day and night, changing appearance and color when viewed with sunlight or with Wood lamps.
This technique greatly enhances the parallel with the expression of the outer and inner tones typical of the nightlife and also the great mutation that paintings live with different illuminations giving the work a strong metaphor valueFabrizio Gilardi - Action Art
Black & White Hollywood Set
GET FLUO – An artistic project by Alfonso Villa – tel. 3337653105 – alfovilla@hotmail.it- P.iva 08807300960 – Privacy & Terms – Contacts
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